Stay Focused

Stay Focused

More than ever before, we believers must remain focused on our spiritual walk and stay connected to the Creator.  These days with so many distractions, staying focused is easier said than done.  There are ongoing wars and rumors of wars to come.  The weather is upside down with floods in some places, unprecedented heat and…

Is There Any Hope?

Is There Any Hope?

In the previous blog article, “Patience” we learned how to acquire characteristics the Father requires of us all.  In the process of putting in spiritual work, we will eventually acquire hope.  If you haven’t already done so, I recommend you stop and first read my article on Patience before continuing. Although mentioned in the previous article, I…



Patience means long suffering, slow to anger (H750 arek).  Is patience necessary in our walk with the Creator?  Seeing that it is one of the fruits of YAH’s RUACH (SPIRIT) that we are to possess, I would say that it is absolutely necessary in our walk with the Creator, “But the fruit of the RUACH…

Loving the MOST HIGH

Loving the MOST HIGH

Prior to moving forward, to totally understand what love is, we must first breakdown the true meaning of the word love as referenced in the “New Testament” text from the ancient Hebrew perspective. This is essential because love as used in the English sense of the word is very passive and lacks substance. The English…

What is Faith?

What is Faith?

Oh, we’ve heard all the expressions and jargon; just have faith, you need to increase your faith.  Some even quote Heb 11:1, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Yet what does it truly mean to have faith?  To discover what faith is in order to correctly…